Pay Per Click Marketing
- Google AdWords
- Facebook Advertising
- Local Listings
I – Google AdWords Marketing,
Google ADS offers as many functions as possibilities and is therefore anything but intuitive to use.
Google owes its success not only to its position among the search engines, but also to its pricing policy. Advertisements only cost something when they are actually clicked on or viewed in the case of promotional videos.
The rules of the game
CPC – Cost per click:
The display of the ad is free, every single click on it is paid for, no more and no less.
CPV – Cost per view:
Clicks of the respective video runs are counted here.
CPA – Cost per Acquisition:
Payment is made for each conversion that occurs through the ad.
CPM – Cost per Mille:
Here you only pay when you have a thousand contacts in a classic size from advertising planning, for the mere insertion. This advertising strategy is suitable when it comes to increasing the awareness of your own brand or product via advertisements (quantity).
II – Facebook Advertising Marketing
With over 1.5 billion users, Facebook is the most important platform for social exchange between people and companies.
Apply for a BB contribution:
On Facebook you can apply for posts to expand the reach of your company. The users see your post and interact with likes or parts of the post. Initially, advertised contributions are the best and easiest way to communicate with your relevant target groups.
EAB – Email Subscriber Marketing:
Also known as the funnel system, FB Email offers subscribers marketing and campaigns can be created as such.
Create an FB ad:
Brand awareness
App installs
Video views
Lead generation
Contribution interactions
Likes on the page
Event promises / cancellations
Catalog sales
Store traffic
III – Local Listings
Consumers these days use online business directories to get information about local businesses.
And online reviews are now just as familiar as personal recommendations.
This is where List Local comes into play: We place your company data in the 35 most important apps and portals and keep them up to date.
On request, we will inform you about new questions and reviews, to which you can react directly from List Local – of course also on the go. This way you keep an overview and address new customers in a targeted manner.
Can be found online and on site
Let your future customers find you where they are looking for companies like yours: in the 35 most important online business directories such as Google, Facebook, Foursquare, and opening times.
List of all online business directories contained in List Local.
Make your company visible online in no time – we ensure that all information about your company is secure and synchronous. Previous knowledge is not required.
Another advantage: If your data on the most important platforms is detailed and up-to-date, this also improves your placement in the results of search engines such as Google.
Overview of all reviews
Satisfied customers like to talk about their experiences, and positive reviews in online directories improve your visibility in search engines, which in turn increases your chances of increasing sales.
Organizing your online reviews across different platforms can be time consuming. List Local summarizes everything centrally, and you can easily react to new posts. Thanks to automatic notification by email, it can even be sent from anywhere.
Conclusion: Advertise on the Internet and earn a lot of money with it. This phrase is a dream for many Internet entrepreneurs and companies. But many also know that only one method is not enough, and that the competition in this area is also very big, you should consider making every effort to ensure that your company is on the straight path to success.
IONOS – Mifmedia Official Partner